Former Israeli space security chief says extraterrestrials exist, and Trump knows about it
(too old to reply)
Steve Austin
2020-12-31 11:26:42 UTC

A "galactic federation" has been waiting for humans to "reach a stage where
we will understand... what space and spaceships are," Haim Eshed said.

A former Israeli space security chief has sent eyebrows shooting heavenward
by saying that earthlings have been in contact with extraterrestrials from a
"galactic federation."

"The Unidentified Flying Objects have asked not to publish that they are
here, humanity is not ready yet," Haim Eshed, former head of Israel's
Defense Ministry's space directorate, told Israel's Yediot Aharonot
newspaper. The interview in Hebrew ran on Friday, and gained traction after
parts were published in English by the Jerusalem Post on Tuesday.

A respected professor and retired general, Eshed said the aliens were
equally curious about humanity and were seeking to understand "the fabric of
the universe."

Eshed said cooperation agreements had been signed between species, including
an "underground base in the depths of Mars" where there are American
astronauts and alien representatives.

"There is an agreement between the U.S. government and the aliens. They
signed a contract with us to do experiments here," he said.

Eshed added that President Donald Trump was aware of the extraterrestrials'
existence and had been "on the verge of revealing" information but was asked
not to in order to prevent "mass hysteria."

"They have been waiting until today for humanity to develop and reach a
stage where we will understand, in general, what space and spaceships are,"
Eshed said, referring to the galactic federation.

The White House and Israeli officials did not immediately respond to NBC
News’ request for comment. Sue Gough, a spokesperson for the Pentagon,
declined to comment.

A spokesperson for NASA said one of the agency's key goals was the search
for life in the universe but that it had yet to find signs of
extraterrestrial life.

"Although we have yet to find signs of extraterrestrial life, NASA is
exploring the solar system and beyond to help us answer fundamental
questions, including whether we are alone in the universe," the spokesperson
said in a statement.

Eshed's ideas are spelled out in more detail in "The Universe Beyond the
Horizon — conversations with Professor Haim Eshed" by Hagar Yanai published
in November.
David Dalton
2021-01-04 07:21:36 UTC
Post by Steve Austin
Eshed said cooperation agreements had been signed between species, including
an "underground base in the depths of Mars" where there are American
astronauts and alien representatives.
If there are American astronauts in Mars, they are outside my global
region from 13 km below the geoid to 200,000 km above the geoid
and have missed out on the sudden magickal evolution, and will
be rendered sterile when they return to Earth.

For more information on my latest attempt see the thread
“January 3/4, 2021 attempt” on alt.magick , in which
I have given an ultimatum to my four local main deities
Gaia, Sola, Luna, and Ghuman1 (the species someone of
the ghuman1 species, one of 55 equal species in ghuman
species group, and the one that is the same someone that
was Human before the evolution but containing fewer
species members).

Followup-To set to alt.alien.visitors but if you are in another
group feel free to add that group if/when you follow up.
David Dalton ***@nfld.com http://www.nfld.com/~dalton (home page)
http://www.nfld.com/~dalton/dtales.html Salmon on the Thorns (mystic page)
“And now the angry morning/Gives the early signs of warning/You must face
alone the plans you make/Decisions they will try to break" (Sarah McLachlan)
Steve Austin
2021-01-05 01:22:00 UTC
Post by David Dalton
Post by Steve Austin
Eshed said cooperation agreements had been signed between species, including
an "underground base in the depths of Mars" where there are American
astronauts and alien representatives.
If there are American astronauts in Mars, they are outside my global
region from 13 km below the geoid to 200,000 km above the geoid
Outside your global region? Geoid?
What exactly are you? Are you a remote viewer or astral traveller?
Post by David Dalton
and have missed out on the sudden magickal evolution, and will
be rendered sterile when they return to Earth.
Sudden magickal evolution? Rendered sterile? How? Why?
Post by David Dalton
For more information on my latest attempt see the thread
“January 3/4, 2021 attempt” on alt.magick , in which
I have given an ultimatum to my four local main deities
Gaia, Sola, Luna, and Ghuman1 (the species someone of
the ghuman1 species, one of 55 equal species in ghuman
species group, and the one that is the same someone that
was Human before the evolution but containing fewer
species members).
You see ETs as deities? ETs are just ETs.
Post by David Dalton
Followup-To set to alt.alien.visitors but if you are in another
group feel free to add that group if/when you follow up.
David Dalton
2021-01-05 06:36:53 UTC
Post by David Dalton
Post by Steve Austin
Eshed said cooperation agreements had been signed between species, including
an "underground base in the depths of Mars" where there are American
astronauts and alien representatives.
If there are American astronauts in Mars, they are outside my global
region from 13 km below the geoid to 200,000 km above the geoid
Outside your global region? Geoid?
What exactly are you? Are you a remote viewer or astral traveller?
No, I am an avatar type with a global region, partly due to the
extent of the Internet and partly due to the distance between
Vancouver, where I had my blue rose vision, and St. John’s,
where I am now, which is much greater than the distance
between Jerusalem and Nazareth. Some evidence for
my being an avatar type is given on my Salmon on the Thorns
webpage. On the Recent Changes/Working Notes subpage
of that webpage there is a brief description of my four
components (global new age onset magickal workings).
Post by David Dalton
and have missed out on the sudden magickal evolution, and will
be rendered sterile when they return to Earth.
Sudden magickal evolution? Rendered sterile? How? Why?
The sudden magickal evolution partly involved a higher
dimensional manipulation of cellular DNA, mitochondrial
DNA, and RNA, and regression of mature cells to
early stem cell state where needed for transformation
(including of adults) and/or healing.

Any homo sapiens returning from outside my region
will have missed out on the evolution and will
simply not conceive while they are in my region,
so there will be no continuation here of the inferior
species homo sapiens along with the 55 new
and longer-lived species.
Post by David Dalton
For more information on my latest attempt see the thread
“January 3/4, 2021 attempt” on alt.magick , in which
I have given an ultimatum to my four local main deities
Gaia, Sola, Luna, and Ghuman1 (the species someone of
the ghuman1 species, one of 55 equal species in ghuman
species group, and the one that is the same someone that
was Human before the evolution but containing fewer
species members).
You see ETs as deities? ETs are just ETs.
Where did I say that they are ETs? Gaia is the conscious
planet Earth. Sola is the conscious sun. Luna is the
conscious moon. Ghuman1 is the species someone,
the smallest in mass someone containing the species,
of my species, which I have called ghuman1 for now.
Ghuman1 is the same someone that was Human before
the evolution only containing fewer species members.
The other 54 species someones are just minor deities
to me.

At one point I thought that ETs in my region would also
be caught up in the evolution, but that is no longer the
case. If such ETs exist and if my four components
work, afterwards the ETs will probably openly welcome
us into their galactic federation (if there is one).
David Dalton ***@nfld.com http://www.nfld.com/~dalton (home page)
http://www.nfld.com/~dalton/dtales.html Salmon on the Thorns (mystic page)
“And now the angry morning/Gives the early signs of warning/You must face
alone the plans you make/Decisions they will try to break" (Sarah McLachlan)
Steve Austin
2021-01-05 07:09:00 UTC
Post by David Dalton
Post by David Dalton
Post by Steve Austin
Eshed said cooperation agreements had been signed between species, including
an "underground base in the depths of Mars" where there are American
astronauts and alien representatives.
If there are American astronauts in Mars, they are outside my global
region from 13 km below the geoid to 200,000 km above the geoid
Outside your global region? Geoid?
What exactly are you? Are you a remote viewer or astral traveller?
No, I am an avatar type with a global region, partly due to the
extent of the Internet and partly due to the distance between
Vancouver, where I had my blue rose vision, and St. John’s,
where I am now, which is much greater than the distance
between Jerusalem and Nazareth. Some evidence for
my being an avatar type is given on my Salmon on the Thorns
webpage. On the Recent Changes/Working Notes subpage
of that webpage there is a brief description of my four
components (global new age onset magickal workings).
In what way are you helping the human race?
Post by David Dalton
Post by David Dalton
and have missed out on the sudden magickal evolution, and will
be rendered sterile when they return to Earth.
Sudden magickal evolution? Rendered sterile? How? Why?
The sudden magickal evolution partly involved a higher
dimensional manipulation of cellular DNA, mitochondrial
DNA, and RNA, and regression of mature cells to
early stem cell state where needed for transformation
(including of adults) and/or healing.
You mean the human DNA upgrades that are now happening because of the new
energy that's coming in from our galactic central sun?
Post by David Dalton
Any homo sapiens returning from outside my region
will have missed out on the evolution and will
simply not conceive while they are in my region,
so there will be no continuation here of the inferior
species homo sapiens along with the 55 new
and longer-lived species.
Post by David Dalton
For more information on my latest attempt see the thread
“January 3/4, 2021 attempt” on alt.magick , in which
I have given an ultimatum to my four local main deities
Gaia, Sola, Luna, and Ghuman1 (the species someone of
the ghuman1 species, one of 55 equal species in ghuman
species group, and the one that is the same someone that
was Human before the evolution but containing fewer
species members).
You see ETs as deities? ETs are just ETs.
Where did I say that they are ETs? Gaia is the conscious
planet Earth. Sola is the conscious sun. Luna is the
conscious moon. Ghuman1 is the species someone,
the smallest in mass someone containing the species,
of my species, which I have called ghuman1 for now.
Ghuman1 is the same someone that was Human before
the evolution only containing fewer species members.
The other 54 species someones are just minor deities
to me.
I don't understand why you are calling higher consciousness manifestations
Post by David Dalton
At one point I thought that ETs in my region would also
be caught up in the evolution, but that is no longer the
case. If such ETs exist and if my four components
work, afterwards the ETs will probably openly welcome
us into their galactic federation (if there is one).
I have some knowledge about ET species, the Galactic Federation,
exopolitics, special operations etc.
You can check out some video channels I access:

Pleiadian Knowledge

Cosmic Agency

Super Soldier Talk

JTEM the Wise
2021-01-21 03:52:43 UTC
I think it extremely likely that we have detected technology or signals at
least. That, there is an agreement -- a conspiracy, if you will -- to hide this
from the general public.

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