Mary, Monkey, Sun, Tree and Penis Whoreshippers - Part E - Kabatoff, D.S.
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2020-11-26 03:26:30 UTC
Mary, Monkey, Sun, Tree and Penis Whoreshippers - Part E - Kabatoff, D.S.
November 25th 2020 9:10 pm 62,889 words

“The very concept of a nation founded by European settlers is offensive to me. Old stock White Canadians are an unpleasant relic, and quite frankly, replaceable. And we will replace them." - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, when asked to comment on his Open Borders Immigration Strategy, speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer

“Christians are the worst part of Canadian society.” - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer

“Honour killings shouldn’t be called ‘barbaric.’” - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer

“They are not sexual assaults, but ‘honour’ rapes.” - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer

"We have put together, I think, the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics." - Joe Biden speaking without preparation, without the aid of a writer

“Without writers, nothing speak so good in word stuff.” - Eddie Izzard

Making rounds around the internet mid-November 2020 is that the last Canadian election was fraudulent as corrupted computers were used to tabulate and change votes, as was recently done in the United States. And in the Saskatoon Star-Phoenix on November 19th 2020 Chris Selley reminds us “The really salient point, surely, was that the Aga Khan (Islamic) Foundation lobbies for and receives hundreds of millions of dollars from the Canadian government.” Canadians still are not moved, they continue to wait for “Christmas” (the use of God’s Name in vain) and now their major hope to be able to fly to winter resorts so they may sing Jingle Bells and bow to blinkin’ trees there. No matter the cost, Canadians must photograph themselves and their children engaged in honoring the pagan holiday, and the more ornate and the more distant the setting in the photographs, the better. Make sure to post the celebratory and festive photos on your Facebook page while making disparaging comments against some poor psychiatric abuse victim who lives in perpetual shock. Now you have to stay home, stay home while the Chinese and Islamists arrive at our airports, seaports and borders. Go get a flu shot and make yourself infertile.

See Rebel News on November 21st 20202… “Suicide in long term care: Canadian senior chooses death over living through a second lockdown” regarding the survival rate of Covid -19:

COVID-19 Survival Rates:

Under 20: 99.997%
Under 50: 99.98%
Under 70: 99.5%

Islam is a fertility cult that seeks to increase its numbers through imprisoning women in homes and forcing them to become wives and mothers. The Islamists pride themselves in knowledge of and the use of herbs and have published copious quantities of books over the centuries that include instruction on what herbs to use to reduce fertility and induce abortions of people that do not belong to their fertility cult. Now we have an Islamic government that will force injections upon people that will make them infertile. It is all a part of Trudeau’s plan to replace the European population with non-Europeans (aka as Islamists). The fear flu has a survival rate of over 99.5% for people under 70 years of age, likely 99% of the women of child-bearing age will become infertile should they take the two injections the government is mandating.

Hilariously people stay home and allow the Chinese and the Islamists to fly in daily, then they pay the mortgage for the four homes for each of the four Islamic wives. The aboriginal Indians stay confined to their tiny rotting homes on the reserves and are instructed to ram their penises up each others arseholes while the government hands out billions of dollars to Islamists so they can start new lives here in new homes here. All the children are taught to hate Christianity and the idea of Canadians and Americans having our own oil self-sufficiency, the oil industry is forced into shutdown while the Canadian lumber is required for new homes for the “immigrants” or exported to Asia, and the white children are taught to hate the colour of their skin and to ram their penises up each others arseholes. White Europeans didn’t like criticisms of their blinkin’ trees and spent many millions of dollars having me tortured for years in psychiatric facilities, they made me a home in a psychiatric ward and now buy new homes for Islamists. You torture me and laugh at me and rob me and slander and libel me, then seek to gain annual redemption by singing Jingle Bells and by proving you are not a racist by handing your nation over to Islamists, Sikhs, Hindus and Chinese. Your forefathers somehow proved that they were not racists by stealing Doukhobor land, now the Doukhobors wallow in filth as they join with you in decorating and bowing to trees. The wealthiest of the Doukhobors are always turning their homes into lavish temples of evergreen tree fertility, they have the tallest of trees and the nicest of the blinkin’ lights, and they have the most friends who all join with them in honoring their fertility tree idols. It used to be that the Doukhobors fled from idolatry, now they embrace it and shit upon me for daring to attempt to warn them of the dangers involved.

Turkey slaughtered an estimated 1.5 million Armenian Christians between 1914 and 1923, now Canada sells the Turkey and Azerbaijan advanced drone weaponry that is used in 2020 to slaughter the Armenians yet again. Canadians politely stay at home and watch the news telling them to stay home, and are not provided with news stories about how their Islamic government is providing advanced weapon systems to other Islamic governments. See the video on YouTube “What Azerbaijan’s spectacular victory over Armenia tells us about the future of modern warfare.”

The Islamists pride themselves in their knowledge of herbs and published copious quantities of literature, over the centuries they amassed knowledge of what herbs can be used to induce fertility and cause abortions. They have been involved for decades imbedding themselves into our food supply, the food you eat may have been dosed at repeated times during its transit to your table. Islamists are a fertility cult, they increase their numbers with multiple wives and with rape and coercion, and reduce the numbers of the alternative fertility cults with herbs, swords and bombs. And they seek to reduce your fertility with inoculations against common colds. And more recently they instigated a transgender fantasy world and are coercing your daughters to cut their own breasts off and sterilize themselves. The parents hope these kids would come home at “Christmas” and join together with them and the blinkin’ tree, and together they would go and make a pilgrimage to the local Catholic Church and tithe, regardless of how many times Catholic priests rammed their penises up your children’s arseholes, thereby traumatizing the children and rendering them unable to form meaningful attachments and families. Then destroy the economy so the males don’t have a pot to piss in, let alone go on a date.

Over the last few decades assorted Islamists, many acting as lone wolves, contaminated food and water supplies with herbs that reduced fertility and induced abortions. Then they indoctrinated children to a transgender world and coerced the daughters to put rings in their noses, colour their hair with cool-aid and render themselves infertile. During which time they have been refining their inoculations, which are again designed to render infertility, or at least result in infertility. The white race is first and foremost hated due to the many Christians in our midst.

The CIA funded the psychiatric torture facilities in Saskatoon, and now the general pubic learns that the CIA imbeds itself into the mainstream media and uses the media to conduct a coup against President Trump (it is a coup funded in part by American taxpayers). Our Canadian Islamic prime minister is quick to congratulate Biden with a win. Canadians are happy that Trump is being defeated for all they heard for the last five years is how horrible Trump is. Canada has absolutely the worst prime minister and the worst government ever in its history (a Somali heads the department of immigration, a Sikh heads the military, the prime minister is an Islamist) and all we hear in the Canadian media is how horrible Trump and the Republican party is. Canadians may rise up but can expect to be slaughtered with Canadian, Chinese and Islamic drones, Islamic beheading swords and with vaccinations. Canadians are compassionless and still think it is hilarious that I get stripped of my rights and tortured in psychiatric facilities for years, and then borrow money from their children to build new psychiatric torture facilities. The Canadian Christians are smug about their future, they think they know the truth, the truth of the matter is that their churches have been co-opted by Catholics who teach them to turn trees into decorated idols. The truth of the matter is that the churches are censoring Scriptural references to cannibalism and employed predominantly Hindu psychiatrists to torture me in an attempt to shut me up about their lies and pagan filth they teach in place of God’s Commandments.

The last Canadian federal election was rigged, all laws passed by the Islamic Liberals (with the support of the Sikh NDP) are void. Due to the fraudulent election all the new gun laws are void. The Islamists have co-opted our government and the Canadian people respond by staying home and are preparing to sing Jingle Bells. Don’t hold it back, shout it out with udder glee.

I wasn’t allowed to go out, and when they allowed me to go out I did so in utter poverty. And when out and about (utterly nauseous, my head banging in pain, my lips and tongue hard and turned to leather…) people laughed or fled or beat me or robbed me of the little I had. Now you are not allowed to go out. And economic opportunities are being removed from you and given to newly arrived invaders (mainly Chinese and Islamists). I criticized your churches and your pagan traditions and had to stay confined, and now you have to stay home due to some invented pandemic. Hollywood and the media largely ignores the real pandemic of HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases and instead actively teaches you to ram your penises up each other’s arseholes. Hollywood, the media, the schools and the churches (the Catholic church owns it all) are teaching you to ram your penises up each other’s arseholes, while ignoring the resulting diseases, and are now legislating that you stay home lest you catch a cold. And I think it is absolutely hilarious as you filthy Mary, monkey, sun, tree and penis whoreshippers have zero compassion for me or for any other victim of psychiatric horror. Stay home while Islamists and Chinese arrive at our airports and borders daily, support them all and pay each one an extra $500 every week, even if they are not Canadian citizens. Send your tax dollars to Islamic nations around the world then stay home and sing Jingle Bells, jingle all the way.

I wish to clarify my position. Just because the media is united with Hollywood, schools and the churches (the Catholic Church owns it all) and teaching you people to ram your penises up each others arseholes, and just because the Indians at One Arrow First Nation stuck a statue of their ancestor One Arrow on top of an Egyptian representation of a penis, dothn’t mean that all the Indians at One Arrow First Nation are ramming their penises up each others arseholes. And just because the Indians in western Canada flip flop between traditional aboriginal beliefs and Catholicism depending upon whom they are trying to fuck on any particular day similarly dothn’t mean they are all goink around ramming their penises up each others arseholes. Nevertheless the Indians and the whites are together taught to engage in sexual activities that are leading to their utter destruction, and then on top of that their favorite activity is to idolize trees.

The story went, I said that it is no surprise that the priests are ramming their penises up your children’s arseholes for they already advertise themselves with Egyptian penises on the roofs of their churches. I was given to a Hindu psychiatrist who said that I think too much about penises, but it is not me who thinks so highly of penises that I would stick one on the roof of a church, and besides, Hindus gain their spiritual bliss via orgasm. Then people laughed at me, assaulted me further and called me a pedophile. Then they allowed Hindus, Sikhs and Islamists to be trained as psychiatrists at the University of Saskatchewan, then they allowed them to work (torture Canadians) without they themselves being Canadians citizens. Then they allowed the government to pay foreigners residing in Canada $500 each week to help support themselves (they get the $2000 every four weeks if they were in Canada in 2019 and received a small allowance from their parents in China or Saudi Arabia). And they allowed Saskatoon City Hall to employ non-Canadians, and no mayoralty candidate complained, and even if they did, the media would remain silent, just as the media is silent on the non-Canadians receiving $2000 every four weeks, it is more than $2000 monthly. European immigrants removed billions of dollars worth of land from Doukhobor families and now see themselves as rich enough to hand out $500 each week to non-Canadians to help them through the fear flu. Strip the Doukhobors of any land they still manage to possess and hand it over to the Chinese, Islamist, Sikh, Hindu and Catholic invaders and call the Doukhobors racists. You are compassionless to the victims of psychiatric horror, your compassion is limited to your pagan evergreen tree rituals and to Egyptian penises on your church roofs (and spread across the nation in almost every place imaginable, even on the very tops of the blinkin’ trees in the homes of Doukhobors, Mennonites, Hutterites and Adventists). You unrepentantly continue to employ Hindu, Islamic, Sikh and Catholic (likely Chinese as well) psychiatrists to torture those who don’t appreciate your blinkin’ trees, you absolutely MUST lose your nation to alternative fertility cults as a result. Go give a few million dollars to Omar’s sister and put her image on our paper money. All I can do is laugh at you while crying out to God against you. You have me brutally tortured for years and think it funny, you can’t raise a finger in my defense, you don’t even have a kind word for me. God is about to spread you compassionless Mary, monkey, sun, tree and penis whoreshippers out like dung over the surface of the earth and I think it is absolutely hilarious!!! Send your kid to school to learn to become a transsexual communist. Go ejaculate upon your fertility tree idol. Go to hell.

The election for Saskatoon city council in 2020 should prove to be an exciting event, my hope is that residents will get out and vote as decisions made by City Council have always had great impact upon the citizens of the city. Whether you are a compassionless Mary, monkey, sun, tree or penis whoreshipper, should I become mayor of Saskatoon I vow to allow your pagan practices to continue unabated but I will not be using the public purse to pay for them, nor will I allow the practices to take place on city-owned properties, neither on nor in city-owned equipment. Anyway, if I were mayor of the city of Saskatoon, that’s what I’d do.

Mad In America:

“Now the world wide liberal society entirely forgot the Russian punitive psychiatry. Or probably as before it believes in the fairy tale that crimes of Russian psychiatric system are completely in the past. If it is so, this the most terrible mistake in the history of the mankind. Because the modern Russian psychiatry is much more cruel and has much bigger possibilities. Despite of the widely spread opinion it was not so easy in the USSR to lock somebody in a mental hospital, because such actions were being executed only accordingly decisions of a pretty narrow circle of high leveled leaders of communistic party and KGB, who were constantly keeping this process under their control and using only in political goals, not allowing every psychiatrist to ride roughshod over. Today in Russia any rural psychiatrist can receive a decision of a rural judge about coercive hospitalization and coercive treatment. Without some trial, without a public hearing, without some lawyers, without a jury. And even more - accordingly the Russia law about psychiatric “aid” a psychiatrist has the right to hospitalize his victim on three days without a court decision. During these three days he must appeal to a judge, and afterwards a judge has the right to think for five days. In total a victim is being tortured in a nuthouse during 8 days without some court decision, in result of that he, drugged by psychotropics, looks absolutely insane. Thus even if by some miracle you will find some honest judge (what is absolutely unbelievably), he seeing the undoubted “mad”, just signs the decision about coercive treatment. Of course totally uncontrolled Russian psychiatrists (all of them) in cahoots with corrupted Russian judges (all them are corrupted) use this possibility for their private goals: for example to force victims to pay them bribes or to transfer them the victims` property. And when this goal is achieved, a psychiatrist either in the best case keeps a victim in a nuthouse under influence of psychotropics forever or kills him. In a mental hospital it is very easy to commit an unprovable murder . And of course such possibilities are constantly being used in political goals too - like in Soviet times.” - Rasul Yagudin

Daryl Kabatoff
November 25th 2020 9:10 pm 62,889 words
End document
2020-11-26 19:21:49 UTC
Fuck you Kabatoff you queer asshole.
